AITA for pointing out my classmate's business is a "scam"

I think 100% you are the the bad guy here. What Jane is doing is actully 100% normal, businesses (like Amazon and Walmart) and evern people at the swapmeet do this all the time where they become the middle man to get ahold of products that are normally hard to find. Jane is doing the same exact thing and to call it a scam feels overyly rough despite if she is rich, poor, or middle-class because in reality what harm is she doing to you or to anyone?

Also how do you have the right to judge where her money is going? She is working for her money in a normal way. Buy wholesale, sell to make a profit. Every single store you walk into has things from everywhere and to call a store "a scam" because they make profit by convinence is dumb on your part.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread