Unstep a Rockerverb knob for finer tuning?

It's more of the fact that high end orange products are made the way they are for very specific reasons. That's why they release documentaries and provide such comprehensive information about the designer's thought processes. Some people are really into following along with them as a slice of history and enjoy the artistic liberties they take when designing their products.

For some people modifying those choices takes away from that experience because in a lot of ways Orange amps are intentionally obtuse designs. It isn't just all about reselling things but the (sometimes elitist) view of this thing was made to be perfectly niche and not to be fiddled with.

Not everyone buys into that and that is fine, but paying money to modify this amp before using one of the dozens of easier and more effective options out there, or simply learning the amp because the knob does have more play then people think, is also fairly dumb as well. Guitar amp blind purchasing or buying high end amps that dont fit a users lifestyle is asinine and boringly common. Buying a 3000 dollar amp head just to have to immediately mod it is shockingly dumb

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