Update on if items carry over to Hitman 2

Here's a fun question - why the FUCK are they allowing people who have already played, slaved and sacrificed (in some cases) hundreds of hours on Season 1, to download Season 1 again, under a different application now, with the intent of having to unlock yet several hundred more mastery tasks for each fucking level they've already bloody well unlocked???

How about they DON'T re-release Season 1, and just leave the original Season 1 be - or update that one, instead of making people trying to unlock a lot of the same shit under the guise of having 'replayability'??? I'm pretty sure NO ONE who ones Season 1 will want to slave away for hundreds of hours unlocking slightly new (or different) mastery for levels they've already spent hundreds of hours playing.

This seems... idiotic and frankly - rather stupid.

/r/HiTMAN Thread Link - i.imgur.com