Honk right back.

I don't know if this counts as petty revenge or just instant karma, but it's relevant:

I once got stuck at a stop sign for a while because it was only a two-way stop, the through traffic was coming directly off the freeway (aka still going pretty fast) and my truck's a beater with not-great acceleration. So I'm sitting there, waiting for a gap so I can cross the off-ramp traffic, but there's a steady stream of cars coming off the freeway and I can't get through for a minute or two. It sucks, but it happens sometimes at that intersection.

The people behind me are pretty patient, I'm assuming because they're familiar with the stupid design of the intersection. With the exception of one guy, two cars behind me, who gets fed up pretty quickly and starts honking incessantly.
I ignore him and wait for a gap large enough to scoot through safely.

Once I'm past the off-ramp, my lane and the freeway traffic join and immediately split into four lanes at a big intersection. I pick my lane and pull up behind the other cars already waiting at the light. A couple moments later, who pulls up directly behind me but Mr. Impatient himself. He rolls down his window and starts yelling.

"Hey! Hey! You need to be more considerate!"
This mystifies me and I call back "what?" despite myself.
"You need to think about other people, man! Some of us need to get places! You should be more considerate! Just grow some balls!"

At this point I'm slightly boggled, since I never considered "waiting to cross an intersection until you can do it without endangering yourself or oncoming drivers" inconsiderate, so I shout back something lame along the lines of "sorry, but I'm not going to risk my life over a couple minutes" and roll up my window. I continue to hear his muffled shouting until the light turns green.

This intersection has another quirk aside from the Frogger-style dash across fast-moving traffic you need to accomplish before you can get to it: at the light, large signs will tell you that the far left lane turns left only, the far right lane turns right only, and the two middle lanes go straight. However, almost immediately after you cross the intersection, a concrete median pops up between the two straight lanes, and the left-hand one turns into an on-ramp for the same freeway. There are signs to indicate this, but they're not as large as the others.

This is the lane I and Mr. Shouty are in, and Mr. Shouty only got into my lane so he could shout at me more effectively. Mr. Shouty is also not in a sign-reading mood right now. Once we're through the intersection - with him riding my tail, of course - he doesn't realize until the very last second before the median that he's about to rage-follow me onto the freeway. He doesn't want to go on the freeway, apparently, so he jerks the wheel and suddenly cuts unto the right-hand lane, almost colliding with an SUV. It was very inconsiderate of him, I thought.

The SUV laid on the horn, and I could hear Mr. Crankypants getting blasted with it my whole way down the on-ramp.

Cheered me right up, I don't mind telling you.

/r/pettyrevenge Thread