Upvotes please

I know this sub is about getting an extra karma for our accounts, but please hear me out.

You know that game Pokémon? The one with the yellow mouse who shoots bolts of electricity? Well, folks over r/Pokemon have been absolutely livid about the new games, they are raging against the developers, however (and this is a big however), sad stories are going through the roof! I've seen posts with at least 10k Karma points and even some awards.

The structure you must follow is simple:

  • An introduction of when you started the game, how you knew about it.

  • A Childhood memory, how you feel about certain Pokémon.

  • A soul crushing story about that Pokémon and you, and how it hurts to know that Pokémon won't be in the game.

  • Bonus points if you add another person to your story (grandma, brother, friend, whatever).

Just make sure you make the story as touching as possible for even more karma chance.

/r/upvote Thread Link - i.redd.it