In urgent need of help, something is seriously wrong with my hip

I apologize for my sharp tone, it's a tough spot to be in. Feels like ridicule to get the same "advice" to get to a doctor when they are clearly not helping me and I can't handle the financial stress any more competent help would cause.

I've managed to relax them with just stretches and basic exercises I collected from YouTube. I was hoping for some pointers or ideas, even just the name of the muscle because I can't identify it for sure, just to help them not tense back up the next day. Went so much into detail because I assumed that would help, not scare off people. I received some help, which I am thankful for. However, I do not believe that anyone on here will actually be able to help me with concrete advice. As said, I am truly desperate, to get this fixed, having experienced 2 days of clarity for the first time in years.

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