Varanguard weapon choice

These Reddit chats are terrible for copy-pasting links and longer posts :-/The different weapons perform differently depending on circumstance and target.Without a charge, Daemonforged Blades perform best against 3+ saves or better, Ensorcelled Weapons against 4+ or worse: you do charge, Spears are best until you hit a 5+ save or worse, against which Ensorcelled Weapons become better:, if the Varanguard are Khorn marked and on the charge, the Spears benefit more from the +3 attacks and the EWeapons only become better against a 6+ or worse: a buff like Daemonic Power benefits the EWeapons more, so without a charge, they take over from DBlades against a 3+ or worse: Khorn unit buffed with DP on the charge will deal almost equal damage with the DBlades and the Lances and the EWeapons will start to pull ahead from a 4+ save onwards:, a Khorne marked unit on the charge, with wound rerolls from a Bloodstoker but without Daemonic Power gets pretty similar damage out of the Lances and DBlades and EWeapons pull ahead from a 4+ save onwards: conclusion? There's no universal answer. I feel like DBlades are better than Lances because even in the Lances' best case, they're not pulling that far ahead and the DBlades are more reliable. EWeapons have their own niche becausee of how good they are against bad saves. And even with all that said, in a reinforced unit, I might still take some Spears (good thing we can mix and match) for that 2" range.So, it depends on how many you bring and on your meta. One unit I'd generally take with DBlades, two units I'd take one with DBlades, one with EWeapons and if I reinforced one, I'd probably equip the additional models with Lances for the range.

/r/slavestodarkness Thread