TIL Nissan.com is not owned by the car company, but by a single guy named Uzi Nissan. He has been fighting the car company in court since 1999

I'll pick Canada because it's close and the European excuse doesn't apply, this case wouldn't have been remanded and extended by the plaintiff and the man would have had his day in court within months.

Tort lawsuits in Canada have a floor of $25k and the plaintiff would need to prove to the crown beyond a reasonable doubt (not weight as per the final verdict) that the defendant caused a minimum of 25k in damages. Nissan Motors would have an extremely tough time doing so as there are virtually no common law decisions regarding website domains (can't find a single lawsuit) so there is a good likelihood that it would fall into the 80%+ (2012) lawsuits that weren't even approved to proceed.

If Nissan Motors did somehow find approval for the lawsuit any citizen that is unable to pay his legal bills in Canada receive 'free' services from a private practice lawyer paid for by the state, the government up there doesn't expect its citizens to sell the barn to fight the lawsuit either so to be clear we're talking disposable, liquid currency.

In America a common way to get around limits is to sue for a trivial amount but seek an injunction or in this case turnover of the domain name, one could take this avenue in Canada via their small claims court if the monetary amount sought in under 25k. In Canada all claims under 25k without exception need to go through small claims and small claims can't be remanded to a lower court unlike in the land of freedom. Canadian law states that in small claims you must represent yourself, the Nissan Motors trademark is held by the parent company in Japan therefor one of the appointed board members would need to come to Canada and represent the corporation on its behalf for a limit not exceeding $25k.

This also ignores that Canadian and European judges have consecutively proven to be anti-plaintiff and pro-consumer compared to anti-regulation(?) and pro-capitalist slant in America. You may or may not be surprised that one of major things Americans are ostracized for in international news is bankrupting lawsuits.

Here's a funny picture from our Canadian brothers: http://i.imgur.com/J9kanLp.jpg

Look anywhere else in the world and you'll see an even bigger divergence from the American standard, America is the only first world country I know where a frivolous lawsuit can bankrupt and ruin an innocent person.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - nissan.com