Guy exposes a cabal of reddit SJWs and their ties to the admins of reddit and creates a watchdog sub. Then the shit hits the fan.

Torches of Freedom - how women's rights advocates were used to get women to smoke

The ruling class have been targeting feminists as their blissfully ignorant drones since forever. The very patriarchy they seek to destroy is what's feeding them talking points through corporate controlled media and turning their eyes away from the fact that class war isn't waged between men or women, left or right, but 99% of the population against the 1%. Should we solve world hunger? Enforce basic human right to life, health, education, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of trade and freedom from torture? Explore the universe? No fuck that shit, let's all bitch about who's bank funded politician represents us the most like we're rooting for fucking sports team. Let's be cunty about a space exploring scientist's fucking shirt. And lets ignore that 3.5 billion human being are living in poverty and 870 million are suffering from starvation. Turn a blind eye to the wars and the torture and the terrorism and pretend that "your team" is winning. Do exercise your freedom of speech and thought to limit others via the media towed agenda, that shit wont come back to haunt you fuck no...

People ffs, I love you all, but if you're swallowing the red pill or blue pill, SJWing your pants off or towing the party line: you are not helping the issue. All of this is bullshit, you see. It's not about you vs me or me vs you but us against them. And we define "them" by promoting human rights for all and observing who opposes us. "We" are not the enemy, "they" are. All of us are simply confused and looking for ways to cope with a shitty situation that we all know is wrong.

Men: women are not manipulative assholes that hates you. They are our friends, family, mothers of our children and mothers of us.

Women: men are not trying to control you. We are your brothers, fathers and grandfathers and we would lay down our lives for you.

People: we are not a collection of races, genders, cultures, social statuses or religions. We are just human beings that wants to be treated fairly, enjoy our freedom and find someone and something to love. We are not words or ideas or dogmas, we are the person who goes home to kiss his or her wife or husband and hug our kids. We are NOT a collection of BULLSHIT. "We are human beings god damn it!"

"In accordance to the principles of doublethink, it does not matter if the war is not real, or when it is, that victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of the produce of human labour. A hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle, the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects, and its object is not victory over Eurasia or Eastasia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.”

― George Orwell, 1984

/r/TheRedPill Thread