[Vendor Review] glasswerkz / DIRECT_CONNECT

Product: product weighed 7.7g. like he said, there wasn’t any shake, just varying sizes of crystals. was a little bit wet. Not leftover solvent wet, but like a drop of water got inside the bag before going into MBB. Put it in a bigger Ziploc and after a hour or so it was totally dry. even after drying/smoking some while it dried , bag still weighed over 7.5g. clearly wasn’t an attempt to add weight to the bag, so in my eyes no harm done.

Product is very high quality, some of the best I have come across in years. . I could tell right away it was some fire, as the shards don’t have the ‘plasticy’ texture conducive with cut to shit product. has a real feint almond or nutty smell to it. Benzaldehyde perhaps? Looking at you, BBMC There’s also a miniscule amount of brown tinging on some of the shards (look on the big shard, and the shard by her foot). Leftover red phosphorus maybe? Again, BBMC. I recognize these are both signs of impurities, but that’s the wrong way of looking at the situation. It says to me that whatever cut (which is little to none) that was added was added before the chemist grew the shards, not some asshole down the line.

behaves beautifully in the bubble. Not much fog , and crackback is as expected from good stuff. I was smoking with my old dealer, who’s been doing the stuff for like 30 years, and he was real pumped about this batch. said this stuff was more like what he remembered getting back in the day.

Overall, flawless transaction from start to finish. I was always hesitant to try glasswerkz, as I’ve seen people badmouthing him on a couple different sites. polar opposite of my experience though, he was incredibly responsive & professional, and the gear maintained that standard. I will definitely be back.

The full quarter oz isn’t pictured, probably more like 5-6g. but the rest of it was the same as what is pictured.


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