Very disturbing finish after upgrade to Marlin..

I normally like to hear other peoples experiences with "Upgrades". It would seem to me that an upgrade is supposed to make things work better? So far, about all I am hearing is "How things changed for the worse". My sentiments are, if it isn't broke, don't fix it. If it is just loud, how loud is loud? I mean, really, if it is working just fine, then the noise should be livable. Why take a chance on screwing things up? I mean, mainly with the software. I plan on doing a Heated build plate upgrade. But only because of necessity. I plan on using filaments that require a heated bed. It is only because of this that I am even going to do anything with my Mega Zero. The Mega Zero is just fine right out of the box. I hear too much about, "I am going to upgrade to Marlin software" Oh yeah! MARLIN! That's the shit! Also the tmc2209's! For the life of me I just can't figure why people want to "Upgrade" to something that seems so difficult to set up? "It was working just fine until I did the Upgrade" "Now, everything is screwed up" "What am I doing wrong?" If you read just about any comments on here about "Upgrades", that seems to be the sentiment.

I am not trying to be a wet blanket here. I am just pointing out the obvious. My point is simple, if it is working just fine, leave it as is. First and foremost is, the print quality. If it is printing just fine, leave it alone.

I guess everyone just wants to have the "Latest and greatest". (Is it really the greatest?) Or, are they just bored and need something to do. So, why not "Upgrade", then, spend the next 6 months pulling your hair out trying to get everything tweaked in?

I am going to be in this sinking boat myself when I do the heat bed upgrade. I mean, the software side of things. The heatbed is straight forward. It is going to be installing the software to use the heatbed portion of the circuitry that is going to be a PITA. I want to use the ABS like there's no tomorrow. This PLA stuff is about useless for anything other than little trinkets to sit around looking at. I made that bathtub mixer for my granddaughter. It broke the first time she dropped it (100% infill). If I want to be able to actually make something I can use, it will have to be ABS, or metal. Right! Metal on an Mega Zero? Just a pipe dream. They do make an iron core filament. But, that doesn't make it any better either. You can just get magnets to stick to it.

Just my .03 centavos. I will need help with the software portion myself. I am no software genius.

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