A very personal post on Fifty Shades of Snail: Why K-Beauty Matters (to Me)

Awww. I love the Fiffy blog, but this post saddened me. I'm trying to make sense of it. Let's see if I can.

I am a caucasian woman living in caucaseland. But I belong to what you might call - short of a better word - a 'neurocognitive minority'. That means that my brains just don't perceive, analyse and react to the world as most humans do.

Now, you may think that with such a not-in-your-face trait, I could get away with it and make pretend. No such luck. No matter the place, no matter the age, no matter the gender, no matter how hard I try: I have been 'othered' (boy, does that word resonates and hurt!) since I can remember, and will be until my very last breathe. IRL, I am the weirdo that most people have a hard time to deal with, and don't really want to be around. BTW, this is not a disease. Unless they want to open my skull and remove some bits, it's there to stay.

No one ever told me about this. It took me 50 years to come around my difference and make do with it. In the meantime thanks to the incredibly difficult youth, I developed severe dismorphophobia. There are almost no pictures of me. All those I could find, I tore apart. I went as far as to undergo facial surgery. The surgery did help with my confidence, in great part because I felt I owed it to myself, and it was a long road to get there. But of course it didn't fix my uncooperative brains. So much for fitting in.

Now what's the deal with normality? I know how all kids want to be just 'normal' - been there, endured that. But tbh, what does 'normal' means anyway? Is there anything normal in this world?!? (certainly not as I write, and probably not in a million years) Shouldn't growing up be about leaving this ridiculous concept of 'normal' behind, and reach to the true nature of life that is adventure, uncertainty, and differences?

Think of it. Life itself invented sex and DNA for this very purpose: each birth brings out its own different, unique arrangement of genes. Diversity is lifeblood. We will never fix anything by trying to expend normality. Embracing differences and complexity is a much more interesting route, imho.

I'll admit it, I hate all this 'normal' business. For one thing, it is über-boring. More worryingly, it's incredibly limiting and coercive. Normal is a paper decor for a sheepish humanity unable to cope with the complexity of this world.

Alors finalement, what with K-beauty. I like it because well, in my country it is certainly far from being mainstream, so it feels more out of the box. I cannot read anything on the box: yay for the unknown. It's new, it's fun, it's affordable - what means room for many experiments. And it makes for goofy faces with sheet masks on: got to love that! I also love that on the French forum I'm on, advocates for K-beauty are the most silly and crazy people - in the best possible way. They are funny, playful, adventurous, and wouldn't care being called 'normal' for one single day of their life :-)

So yes, I'm happy I have found this K-beauty community that is fun and light-hearted, as a kind of bubble in an otherwise difficult life.

I'm glad it was helpful in relieving you of all this crappy issues Sharkus_Reincarnus, I don't care that much about ethnicity and culture, I like that you are the unique Fiffy that you are, and that should be good enough for anyone.

/r/AsianBeauty Thread Link - fiftyshadesofsnail.com