Is it common for enfps to be self-centred? (no offence enfps, just curious)

So should I be selfish and let you believe whatever you want to believe? Should I just tell you "yeah ok whatever you win"? You're just a stranger on the internet after all, there's little to gain from this interraction. Tomorrow we'll all move on to a new and different topic after all, I should just let this one pass and wait for the next.

Or I could make a stand for what I believe is right and give meaning to this conversation in my own way. You're asking for proof? I gave you a page which holds a nice base of ugly truth and you disregarded it in a blink of an eye. Like what? Do you want you want me to quote Carl J. where he'd just go like "yeah I'm pretty self centered at times, I gotta work on that, might be because of my type"? Is the index a 100% right? Fuck no but I do plan on owning a little owl somewhere in the future. Are Fi users selfish? Fuck yeah we are. Are INFJs free from that affliction?

Someone who goes through so much to make everything perfectly couldn't possibly be anything but pristine? I might not do things perfectly but I try, I want things to be perfect, my intentions are always pure. Fear? Anger? Avoidance? I work very hard on these not be like that. So hard that sometimes I don't see what's around me? No these are just details and I have very little patience or energy for details. I try to do good, I want to be good. I'm not selfish. How could I be selfish if I give so much thoughts to those for who I care. What could I do to please them? I want to control things to make them right, even if it's not what they individually want, they'll come to see eventually that I do that for their own good. Me, me, me, me, me... That's basically it.

I'm not that upset. But the way you talk about my dominant function tells you don't get it, it'd be sad if you went on with your life with this misrepresentation of it. This forum is shitty enough as it is. People knowing my type better than I do because they read 3 lines about Fi, give me a break. Fi is concerned about oneself because we don't need others for it to work, you do. We could just stay alone with little interractions and it would work fine for us yet we choose to socialize. You don't choose, you need it and you need it so you make it happen. How does that make you better than others exactly? I know, I know you don't think like that, no need to tell me. But that's the hidden bottom line of it. It's about what we have and what we make of it. Calling Fi selfish, in a way, doesn't make any sense.

Your shadow aux is a negative version of how it really is. It's a necessary evil for you to understand how to use your aux best. The way you see Fi within yourself is not the real Fi.

You're not hypocrite just like I'm not immature, we're just victims of ourselves. Did it hurt when I called you hypocrite? If it did then it's a sign of what I've been saying this all time. An enfj wouldn't care so much about it, they share the same functions with you though. Because you might be a lil bit self centered. Would you say it's fair to say? No don't tell me. I don't actually want to hurt your pride, that's not my goal.

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