[video] Dubai, An Absolute Mess!

"Without cars, these buildings won't be accessible" That's what public transportation is for. Be sure that u're an urban designer before making videos like these. You sound so stupid because of it. I'm an immigrant living in Dubai since 2004 and I can be a credible testament to the country's efficiency and accessibility. No complaints. Every block in well designed. Everything is well modernised. I just honestly can't even perceive how one is able to make such a video. For what exact reason is this video? Clout? Fame? For a fan base? I am in complete awe right now. Am I at all able to speak to the creator of this video? I honestly want to speak with this person. It's so disrespectful to diss a country/city that a lot of people considers to be their home (with me being one of those people). This video is overall ignorant and idiotic to presume such accusations about a place they haven't even been in before. Take this comment as a report to ur video. Good day, and I hope to be the reason ur video gets flagged.

/r/Suburbanhell Thread Link - youtube.com