This is peak car culture

I’m sorry I like cars and like car culture but this has got to be the stupidest most fugly building I’ve ever seen. Like one WHY IS IT TWO STORIES?! The kitchen and dining room should both be on the main floor for customer access yes? Or is that fugly part that’s over the 4 car drive through the “kitchen”. Also why not just the two drive throughs of a normal fast food place? The problem isn’t that their aren’t enough drive through lanes, the problem is they’d rather hire incompetent 30 year olds who show up to work high than teenagers who’d be harder to schedule. So they don’t pay well enough to attract quick reliable workers and they don’t hire teenaged go getters just excited to have a job in fast food places like these. It’s not an issue of “not enough lanes”

/r/Suburbanhell Thread Link -