Voynich under Mirror Imaging = Hebrew "Ktav"

I've read that one of the suggested theories was that the writing is some sort of ancient Hebrew, (people have also tried mirror images for sure, (it's like so basic, isn't? lol) but did anyone checked the combination of the two?... all I know is that the moment I mirrored that page, I saw Hebrew. (and only since Hebrew is my native language... ) and the "Ktav" type presented here in the chart is still being used today (btw,) there are 2 ways to write in Hebrew, 2 types for each letter and under mirror image I'm telling you these are all Hebrew letters there... what I also found interesting about this is that the words and sentences which I've somehow managed to read are also somehow connected to the presented drawing, (the page depicts Agriculture...) words like Wheat and a sentence like "Do not pick from root", it makes sense, you know what I mean?... (statistically speaking, that's awesome...) an expert in old "Ktav" writing will be needed here for sure, (I am no expert) but in my opinion it worth a deeper checking... (?)

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