Wait tell me this is the truth?

Someone knows. Tha'ts a given. Feds pretending like they cant decrypt that cellyphone of that pewpewer. YEAH SURE. Spies on citizens via SAMSUNG 4k.. I bet that HIVE thingy has CIA in that.. so do mech keyboards. Ever wonder why they tempt you with colourful keycaps and LED as well? Hmmm seems weird. Flu shots .. yeah .. I want cellular gps exiting my pores .. wonder where those bodily stinky vapors go. To antartica.. where a beacon sits, al gore found that i bet. Can't trick me, but i can't do a thing about it, i'm for it.. go ahead play ispy , where's waldo on my crotch. Good luck, it's undermined. Good. Spacey guy , all these guys , the perversion has got to stop!

/r/Xanaxcartel Thread