WARNING: OwnageHosting is a server host scam.

It looks like the hosting company responded on http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1381709. If you submitted a chargeback I can understand why they deactivated your account prior to it's end date. You do that with most other services (Steam comes to mind) and you're instant banned.

Must we always get the pitchforks out?

Hello Syano,

First allow me to say sorry for the upsetting time you had with our company. We do try our best to help our customers in a timely manner. Most tickets are answered within 2 hours and chat instant. In fact I took care of most of your tickets. I also will confirm you never had an unanswered ticket open for 7 days. I updated the permgen to the maximum amount allowed under your plan. The fact is you were trying to run so many plugin’s and mod’s had we let them run you would affect the other customers on your server. We try to balance the servers to avoid any lag.

Our Diamond plan does come with a free dedicated ip. However we changed your server 3 times in order to try and make you happy. You also got told in a ticket #122654 we would give you a dedicated ip once you confirmed you are happy with the server.

Also reading this post you claim we suspended your service without due notice. At that time you stopped talking to us and filed a PayPal claim. Once a PayPal claim is filed we will suspend that server until the claim is over. You said you wanted a refund. I hope you did not think you would get to have your cake and eat it to.

So to sum it up. Trying to make you a happy customer we have spent 12 hours with all your tickets and special request. Since you are not happy with us you did get a full refund. So please when you want to bash a company lets tell the full story and not one to make yourself look like the victim. We are not the big evil monster under your bed. We are a small company trying to grow and do everything we can to take care of our customers. I’m sorry you are not happy with the level of support you felt your 24.00 with a promo code deserved. I hope you can find a host to better fit your needs.

Thanks, Joshua Customer Service Manager| Ownagehosting.com

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