Wealth redistribution

Do you believe that wealth in America should be redistributed to lower wealth inequality?

yes, but let's be clear, it isn't all wealth. The wealthy will still be wealthy by almost any measure. I am not trying to make the wealthy middle class.

If yes, would you extend this principle globally?

If I could, yes. And we do already. It is called foreign aid, something rich countries give to poor countries, in hopes they will do what India did (lay down fiber to bring their companies onto the international stage).

If we could do more, I would be up for that but the problem is that many small countries don't want to work with large countries due to sovereignty.

If so, how do you feel about that fact that you will have to give up some of your material belongings so that somebody you have never and will never meet can be better off?

I do this already. Someone breaks a leg and can't afford it, so my insurance rates go up to pay for someone I have never met. I pay taxes that go to the military, providing bullet proof vests for someone I have never met. I also buy clothing from people in China, people I have never met. Fact is we do most of what we do without meeting 90% of the people in the supply chain. So I don't see why me meeting them or not should really matter.

If you found out your favorite clothing was made in a sweat shop where children died every day (not saying this is true, but stay with me), would you say, "I never met those kids before, so why should I care?" Most would not say that. Most people would feel a bit of guilt knowing someone living day-to-day died to make me my shirt. So even though I never met them, I would care for them.

/r/SocialismVCapitalism Thread