XBOX One Smite Players Need to Understand WHY we're Behind on updates!

As much as I'd like Xbox to be more up to date with PC, I never expect a console game to receive the timely and frequent patches its PC counterpart might receive, especially if said game was originally conceived on PC. This is almost always a pitfall with console games as compared to PC games -- to varying degrees, to be sure, but it tends to be true (with some exceptions) with most games.

Further, Hi Rez isn't a "big time," developer with a "big time," publisher behind them like EA (thankfully). This is mostly just me guessing, so I might be wrong, but I would think Hi Rez is stretched rather thin in terms of manpower and resources when PC is undergoing major core changes while the Xbox version still needs to be caught up when compared to some other games and developers.

I don't mind being a month behind PC. Being two months behind is pushing it, yeah, but I can deal with it so long as the Xbox version is functional and not completely (literally) ignored. I've said it before, but the only instances when I think the Xbox absolutely needs quicker patches and updates regardless of everything else -- be it monthly patch/update/content schedules, certification, etc. -- is when an update breaks the performance of the game. The Khepri and Chiron patches both made Smite nigh unplayable on Xbox and we had to wait for the following month's patch for those issues to be remedied (though they were somewhat mitigated in the mean time). In my opinion, that is not acceptable. If the game performance tanks that badly after a patch, another patch with a fix should be in the works immediately and pushed out ASAP no matter what. It is simply not okay to relegate your player base to a barely-functional game for an entire month. I understand there may be some things on the technical and/or business side that ties Hi Rez's hands, so to speak, in this regard, but this is one thing where I believe they should take their hits with regard to everything else in order to fix broken game performance immediately. Xbox players shouldn't have to wait longer than two weeks for a fix when the game performs as badly as it did post-Khepri and post-Chiron. One month (sometimes longer -- like a month + a week or two) is unreasonable.

Thankfully the game performs just fine right now, and that's all I care about. I do worry, however, that the presumably "massive" season 3 patch will break the game in some way considering all of the changes. I hope I'm wrong, and I'll be happy to be proven wrong, but it is a legitimate concern. And if it does happen, it better not be another month until it is fixed.

And I know software and coding are unpredictable beasts. You fix one thing only to break a hundred other things. I know certification on consoles means turnaround is longer. I know the folks at Hi Rez are mere mortals with actual lives outside of work and the game itself. If Xbox will forever be a month behind PC, that is totally fine. No problem here. If it will occasionally be two months behind, that's fine too. You're pushing it, but I'm not going to be throwing any fits so long as the game performs well. But in those unfortunate instances when game performance is adversely impacted or outright broken after a patch, it should be all hands on deck for a fix so players aren't stuck with a poorly performing product for an entire month or longer.

TL;DR: Being a month behind in content compared to PC is okay. Being two months behind is pushing it, but still okay. Waiting a whole month to issue a fix when Xbox Smite is basically broken is not okay, and fixes should be issued much sooner than the one-month patch schedule when this does happen.

/r/Smite Thread