The two main incentives of Socialism

Have you read my post? Because your It's just a theory argument makes you sound like a creationist. Game Theory isn't a theory about games, it is a scientific field specialised in how to react to certain situations given specific incentive structures.

We know from experiments (again can be found in the post that I linked) that the best choice is always the dominant one. We know from experiments that given the choice, people will always choose the dominant option. All that is regardless of the results from others choosing the dominant option as well. Arguing that people will choose anything other then the dominant option because "what if everyone does it" is as unscientific as the proposition that the world in 6000 years old.

There would be administration of sort obviously to make sure that someone doesn't over consume.

Like the Soviets of revolutionary Russia? Yeah, I don't see any opportunity for abuse there.

There are many people who prefer cleaning.

I'm not talking about cleaning, I'm talking about collecting garbage. You know, driving around literally tons of waste, until you smell almost exactly like it yourself. I take this to mean we have a volunteer?

Anyhow jobs like cleaning could be done collectively. Every one would have to do it. Or they could rotate.

Great, so every week you have to teach a new bunch of people how to operate garbage trucks. Sounds like the very definition of efficiency.

There is a thing called READING the post.

There is also a thing called the benefit of the doubt.

I was asking because I wanted more specifics. You can say "the people", "everyone", etc as much as you want, what I want to know is how exactly that would work. Is it like a local form of government? Would each factory have it's own constitution, or each village, or what? If there is a vote, who can vote? If people can be expelled, who gets to expel them, what is the mechanism? What are their avenues of redress if they feel like they have been expelled unfairly?

If you don't have a plan for any of this, I'm going to have to oppose your revolution based on that alone. You can't just get rid of the current system and have no clue what to replace it with. I'm not going to discard a system that has enabled me to live in relative luxury for "idk, we'll figure it out later lol".

"It requires everyone to contribute unless they are physically vulnerable: old, disabled, infant, sick."

And I asked what exactly that means. Have you read my post? What are the age limits? What are the diseases that constitute physical vulnerability? And what of mental illness?


So you have no idea. You just assert it will never happen. You honestly think that there will be not one job in the entire world that requires more people to do it then people who will want to do it. Ever.

Come on be honest: How many kids do you know who dream of growing up to be a garbage men? A fast food worker?


So you want to link people's brains to make them into some sort of hivemind? I'm sorry if I'm too literal, but you are giving me nothing to go on. Humans are individuals. If you want to organise them in groups, you... well have to organise them in a specific way.

The whole point is we will get there when we get there. We need a revolution first. Nitpicking every little detail and abstract thinking is useless. Once we educate and politically mobilize workers and get rid of Capitalism and when workers control the means of production then we can get to deciding how things will be planned.

So we just knock everything over and then we hope we can kind of figure it out from there. We shouldn't worry about where incentives in our system lead, what behaviour is encouraged or discouraged in a system, we just tear down the old one because we don't like it. Do you see how that doesn't exactly inspire me with confidence?

Just read books on Marxism and socialism if you would like to learn more. There is plenty of material out there, especially on the internet. And there are many faqs.

Do you have any recommendations where I can find specific descriptions of realistic systems that take into account how reward structures influence human behaviour? Because saying I want the world to consist entirely out of cotton candy, caries to be healed and everyone to just get along is one thing, but unless I have a realistic way to get there, that is and remains a pipe dream.

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