The weekly 'No Stupid Questions' post - Sun 12 Mar 2023.

New to Zwift here. Just bought the Kickr snap trainer and playing around with getting it setup all day. I’ve noticed the power readings are all over the place, and seem to change after each time I perform a spindown. Been down the troubleshooting rabbit hole there and understand there’s a lot of factors at play. I’ve also done the “factory spindown”.

My question is - even if the power reading is off in the trainer from workout to workout, is the distance data the same? For instance, will I be able to reliably measure my progress by my times on different courses, even if the power readings may fluctuate? I’m don’t fully understand the relationship between power and distance on a smart trainer.

Considering sending this back in favor of a direct drive trainer after doing more research while setting it up…

/r/Zwift Thread