Weekly protest against remaining federal covid restrictions held in Toronto today

Since you talk about science, I have a sickness called membranous nephropathy (kidney) and there have been plenty of reports (scientific articles) that vaccines caused flair upset and the diseases to come back. The problem with the internet and "scientific articles " is that you can find whatever you want (good or bad). Take a look at the bad and see if you have any of the symptoms after your shot. The people that see no problem with shots, start googling government articles about vaccine clots, heart problems, kidney problems, rashes, autoimmune problems etc.... then tell me science says there's nothing wrong. As they say, my body my choice. I guess our immune systems just can't adapt without the vaccine....I call BS. Just like smoking cigarettes back in the day, the governments and science (1950s) said there was nothing wrong with it. Why did Pfizer block access for 100years to the test result? These are facts. Most countries allow flights without vaccines. You think your protected after 2 shot a year ago.... nope... science says that too, but you can fly....

/r/OntarioCanada Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it