Well that's a relief

Hey guys, dont downvote me I'm just here to say something. (Warning could be offensive). Personally, I used to be fine with lgbt, however I dont like the way they force themselves into daily lives of others and the way they platform their ideas and cause us to adapt in many ways . I dont have a vehemence against them, I am just pretty irritated against the way they promote themselves and get pissed and usually verbally or physically attack anyone who disagrees. (This doesnt mean that anti lgbt dont do the same, both are at fault of what is stated) Mocking people who disagree with lgbt doesnt help either, in fact it fuels their anger and adds a bad reputation to the lgbt community along with being immature. Being a civil person means you're more likely to get ears open. Silencing their dislike too by overtaking a sub in which was full of vehement people, but some civil people doesn't help too. I feel it would be fair, that since you are given the ability to promote yourself as the lgbt community that it itself would be fair too to promote a dislike against it. Free speech in a country like the U.S. allowed your growth, but you dont encourage the same thing that started it when it's against you. Please dont downvote me, I'm just pretty annoyed of the promotion and the way of attack.

/r/AntiLGBTQ Thread