is what my father did abusive?

First of all, I truly apologize for what you’re going through. I understand your uncomfortableness returning home. My heart goes out to you. Virtual hugs.

Yes, your father is abusive. The thing about NParents is that regardless of what you do you can’t change them. They’ll continue to get worse and worse. I feel like when NParents know you’re uncomfortable with something. They’ll do it anyway to bring themselves up. Truth be told they’re already below you.

You are worth so much more than what you think. The things your NFather has done to you doesn’t define you. You seem very intelligent and a well brought up person. Don’t let these disturbances get to you. Once you’re financially stable and ready to take on life after college you can cut your parents off.

Hope for the bast and prepare for the worth.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread