At what age would you want to die?

I’d actually like to die by 25 or 30 but that’s because I don’t see a point in going on for much longer. I know I don’t want children, I can never relate to anyone (everyone my age drinks, parties, or likes video games and I’m not into that), and I’ve never once had friends. I’m in my early 20s but everyone has pretty much settled down in their lives while I feel I’m still beginning. The loneliness is excruciating.

People say that I’m so young and I have so much to look forward to, but how so? I know I don’t want a family, my own parents are abusive and don’t care about me, and I have no one I love. I don’t want to have a job I hate for 40 years and retire in a nursing home like most people. I didn’t ask to live and I can’t imagine living another 5 to 10 years, hence me wanting to die by 25 or 30 the latest. I’m really just waiting to die at this point.

/r/polls Thread