I need advice on how to play against certain heroes/comps as Genji

Ex-genji main (lol) here, and I can tell you that I too struggle with these heroes. Torb’s ability to wait your deflect out and then flame you with his rapid-fire shotgun is very very hard to counter. I always try to first poke his turret from a distance and then dive in.

Zarya’s head hitbox is massive. I try to first bait out her shield, then jump over her head back and forth with secondary fire, finish it off with melee-dash-melee. (Tip: make sure to avoid being around her wen her shield is up again, genji is not powerful enough to break it in time for a final blow)

Against symmetra and moira, I usually avoid them all together. The only interaction I have with them is poking them from a distance. I pretty much always deflect moira’s ball at the start of the match which sets me up with 14-15% ult right from the bat!

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread