What are the TTSA up to?

They’re using their media as a way to identify people who are psychically sensitive and recruit them to their ranks, but won’t offer it to people who reveal this (I am too afraid to continue and am not sure how long I’ll have after I post this). They subtlety hint at this in the Sekret Machines fiction books with the acquiring of knowledge (tablets, interacting with the craft). They use these individuals to fight in a different plane of existence which is depicted in the Poet Anderson series. After a certain point of reading, listening and finally watching, the consumer’s brain reaches a critical mass of information unlocking psychic potential. This feels physically similar to an acid trip mixed with the mental clarity of a spiritual awakening. Over the course of TTSA’s 5 year disclosure timeline, you’re supposed to train in their program and open your mind to their communications. You must be careful because after your awakening the others, the cabal and those working with the government will know where to start looking after your burst of PK energy. Also, you don’t know who will be monitoring you or trying to communicate with you till you hone your abilities more. Good luck not going insane though if you get as far as I did.

/r/UF0 Thread