What are your opinion on the carnivore diet lifestyle?

I agree with this post 100%. I’m basically on a PSMF carnivore diet except for pickles and sauerkraut. Some of the carnivore folks get a little weird (bitcoin is going to set us free, blah blah). But it also showed me I don’t need to eat vegetables. That alone made eating/cooking so much simpler. My personal opinion is that a lot of people really don’t like the ‘veggie tray’ but they want the giant tub of ranch. And I do also believe seed oils are very bad for us. Behind Lyle McDonald’s book, I would highly encourage anyone to buy Ted Naimans book. It’s especially helpful if you have friends/family doing old school keto: low protein, giant bags of nuts, butter coffee etc. And his book has a ton of awesome graphics/pictures.

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