What gets that initial push to get viewers to stop by?

I don't answer these things not because I don't want to help or anything but I started a week ago myself and have like 10 followers at most.

So if people don't reply its okay! Most are probably like me and don't know and also these kind of platforms where everyone just posts their twitch ultimately doesn't help a lot imo. Because everyone is focusing on posting about their own twitch and not clicking others. For twitch chats some people are shy and with big streamers its such a cluster of messages people aren't worried their message will be pinpointed so they're more likely to talk.

In terms of how to get a viewer to stop by, its networking and some luck, I wish there was a secret formula but there really isn't. You need someone to happen to find your stream and to jive with your content. If someone who does jive with your content doesn't see it or someone who doesn't jive with your content finds your stream it doesn't help so thats where luck comes in.

I did watch some of your clips though, and for me it felt forced almost. This made me not as interested, but this is just my opinion! So please take it as a grain of salt!

That being said I'll drop a follow and try to stop by when I can!

/r/Twitch_Startup Thread