What is a good time and power level to make popcorn?

Wow, ten days and no response? I guess this subreddit really does hate microwave popcorn.

I can understand having a preference for using a heated-oil-with-shaking type of method for nostalgia’s sake, and everything else that makes it fun, and I love my Stir Crazy corn popper (I generally abstain from the cacophony and bland product produced by hot-air poppers).

All things considered, there’s definitely a good reason for microwave popcorn to exist.

I simply hit any number on the keypad above 4 rapidly, three times. This means the heat setting would be 100%. Then I press start.

Remaining close by, I listen for the lovely crescendo of popping kernels to swell and abruptly diminish, then wait for the kernels to inform me, via sound waves, that a couple of seconds between bursts of popping is near.

When it’s not quuiiiiiiite there yet - I mash the button that flings open the door and immediately tear into the bag so I can pour the fabulous “fun food” into an enormous bowl.

Perfect microwave popcorn, every time. You just need to stop it a bit earlier than you think, that’s all.

/r/popcorn Thread