What a lad

There's a lot of confusion in this thread so I'm gonna crack this one wide open for y'all.

If someone invites someone else into their home for any reason after a date/flirting/whatever, there is at least the implication of sex.

"Wanna come over and watch Netflix? Sex. "Wanna come in for some coffee?" Sex. "I just bought new kitchen appliances, wanna see?" Sex. "I'm home alone, can you come over and keep me company?" Sex.

Unless there's an established platonic friendship already, people* generally don't invite each other into their homes unless there's at least the possibility of sex.

*This refers to adult people. If you're a highschool or college kid, I don't know what the teens are getting into. Teenagers scare me and everyone else over 25.

/r/aaaaaaacccccccce Thread Link - i.redd.it