What I Want Out of the Black Album & Your Opinions

i'm someone who likes how totally random and bizarrely different each of their albums are. I've enjoyed their strange progression. i don't think i could have predicted any of the moves they made, for better or worse. seems like they genuinely don't give a fuck about consistency, and just do literally whatever feels right/exciting/interesting in that particular moment. you can look at any of their albums and get insights into what sounds/ideas/tones/vibes/thoughts/feelings they were into in that given year, some of which are more cringe than others, some are more emotional, others are more mysterious, they are all just totally different. it is what it is, and i just take from each album or era, the songs or parts that i enjoy and get something from, and don't worry about the rest of it. so yeah. i just want them to do whatever the fuck they want and if I'm into it, great. and if not, ill wait for the next one or ill go back to the ones i do enjoy.

i enjoyed your post though, hopefully whatever they do works for u

/r/weezer Thread