Millennials do not believe in banks and stock markets - they like digital technologies and cryptocurrencies more. This will fundamentally change the global financial system.

Fuck Banks.

I'll tell you Hwat!

Had a loan with Llyods back in 2000 (Mum) Did the House Bathroom up; cost 8k. All good, paying a decent amount for insurance with Llyods themselves so if my Mum lost her Job (Which was with Llyods of London) the Loan would be written off, lost her Job due to cut backs, tried to hound her for the Cash. Even tho, they had no right. Messed her Credit up. Mum & Dad Broke up; Dad was a cheater etc. Single Mum 3 kids, No credit because of those Bastards. Having to take Toilet roll from Public Toilets as that poor. Mum had missing Teeth because of the Bad relationship. (It was an accident but still my dads fault) Growing up Poor due to Shit banks lying. Decided to not use Banks beyond as a place to store a couple hundred for expenses which can't be paid via Crypto; Contract phone etc.

Hate Banks with a Passion; Backwards companies. Robbing the Public, calling it a "Service" acting like they actually help instead of fucking people over.

I am Classed as Gen Y, 1986-1996 as In Y are they doing this to us? Fuck em!!! Use Cryptocurrency. Fuck the System! We'll build a new one with Blackjack and Hookers!

Go through my History, I invested in Antshares.

I am currently investing in NASH, I want a better future for not just our Next Gen, but the one after that then that etc, in with the New. Out with the old. Replace fossil fuels, which destory our enviroment with Electric cars.

The business of political systems is to convince you of the local operating system. Convince you it was sent from God and is beyond critique when in fact it's just a bunch of rules fellow monkeys pushed together over time to make things easier for the alpha males.

Terrence Mckenna. Bobby Hill ^

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