What runes Y'all running with the changes to Sett rn?

So I run Hail of Blades, cheap shot, eyeball collection, ultimate hunter with secondarys demolish and revitalize. A lot of people will disagree with this page but let me explain. My duo partner is a Xin player that ganks my lane lvl 2 every game, so my stratedgy going into the game is the start with E and let my opponent push wave, my duo ganks and we get a really easily early game kill with our high early game dmg and layering of cc. We'll shove the lane together after the gank and Ill take an early game recall to get an item advantage with my kill and snowball the lane. At lvl 6 Im looking to make a TP play with my ult and use the lead we got topside to help the other lanes. Hail of blade makes its so you like insta kill adc's and squishy supports especially when building the standard AD Sett build.

/r/settmains Thread