Improving for the future

And if you really wanna know a big problem, it’s kinda hard to give play by play for a game you don’t understand.

Like you. You don’t even play rocket league. You’re like a gold or a play, right? How can I reasonably ask you to call a game of pro play when you’re nowhere near that level? That would be kinda unfair. And I would expect you while doing commentary to talk about irrelevant crap, because you just don’t understand the game.

To my knowledge, Turtle (and now Nosedude I guess) is the only guy who plays at an SSL level. And it shows. His insight is always very insightful and spot on. Because he can play at this level. He gets it.

You? And a bunch of other guys who I’m not gonna call out by name? You have no idea what you’re talking about.

It’s why things like G2 switching up their playstyle shortly after picking up Chicago went over all your heads. Why literally nobody pointed that out. Why during this regional, nobody noticed that Justin was clearly not feeling it, and they switched up. With Justin playing back and Squishy going up to push the offense.

These things y’all could actually talk about if you had any fucking clue. But you don’t. Do you?

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