what update

game kinda died for me when they removed 6v6, 2cp, and ruined my favorite heroes (mei, bastion: mei can no longer freeze people without her ultimate, bastions sentry mode is now on a timer and he cant heal himself)

another one of my favorites is zarya, who was still in a good state after the ow2 conversion. but i could only play a single hero on whats essentially 2 gamemodes (king of the hill, payload, or tug of war payload) for so long before getting utterly sick of it

it pissed me the fuck off when the devs stated that a lot of the design changes were inspired by apex because “thats what gamers want” no motherfucker, i dont play apex i play fucking overwatch. but ig because of apexs popularity, now every class is essentially just a dps hero, crowd control abilities are an endangered species, and the emphasis on teamplay has been dramatically reduced

ur comment triggered this rant from me because as u said, because of the hype around ow2 my friend who utterly refused to play ow1 and claimed to hate it for all those years decided he suddenly liked ow2, and whenever i hear his thoughts on the direction they should take the game i feel like my ears are bleeding. dude just parrots the bozo ass opinions youtubers come up with such as “the game should be balanced towards the top .05% of players rather than the majority of the playerbase” and “thing being strong = bad, the game would be much better if every hero had roughly the same odds of defeating any other hero regardless of situation” for context, my ideology looks more like: “heroes should be able to be strong as fuck if the enemy team doesnt counterpick because thats always been a core part of how overwatch is played

and of course my friend has since gotten sick of and quit playing overwatch

getting over the death of overwatch was basically what inspired the reignition of my love of tf2 though, so i guess it isnt all bad.

i will now continue to ramble bc im banned from r/overwatch and need to vent, only the stuff above this comment is relevant to the conversation at hand

i also of course hate the new monetization system. im a cheap ass so i loved being able to grind lootboxes on ow1 with it ACTUALLY being feasible for me to be able to earn every single cosmetic in the game. now i have to pay money every fucking month to grind within a specific amount of time to earn specific items, almost all of which always suck except for a few things around the end of the battle pass.

and this is very minor in the grand scheme of things but i really hate the way they changed the aesthetics of almost all the maps to take place during sunset. yes its always been beautiful to see, but NOT WHEN ITS EVERY MAP. the worst offender of this imo is kings row. kings row used to be nighttime, as it was in the widowmaker/tracer cinematic. and to me its just a lot more fitting for the london map to be nighttime. now, you guessed it, its a “beautiful” sunset :/

the ui changes are absolute dogshit as well. i hate no longer being able to vote for MVPs in the post game lobby, AND THE TOTAL LACK OF A POST GAME LOBBY TO BEGIN WITH. used to be we had about a minute to continue banter with teammates/the enemy, but now the game ends, potg plays, lobby closes immediately.

really though a lot of this i could look past if it werent for the gameplay changes mentioned earlier. the games too damn repetitive now that half the map pools lost because of no 2cp, and we essentially only have 2 gamemodes

the reason im so passionate about my disappointment is because i used to have a much stronger passion in the form of my love for overwatch. i have a tattoo, and my whole setup (chair, poster right next to computer) is overwatch themed. i still love overwatch, but overwatch 2 is another story

rant over

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