What is with the rampant downvoting in this sub? who are all of you salt lords that just hate every post in this sub?

Regardless of what your thoughts about who is cut out to be a content creator are, It DOES discourage people from posting if they know they're going to hit a wave of downvotes. I know this firsthand because even if I'm going to post a harmless discussion thread about something (Which I've done in the past only to be met with downvotes, even though it's a decent topic and could definitely be discussed). So you cant tell people people dont get irritated or annoyed and discouraged when everyone in this sub is downvote happy.

So CLEARLY I'm not wrong, at least in one case.

and secondly, It's not one or two people, its pretty common that a new post gets more than 2 downvotes, and I dont really care too much, i'm just trying to figure out why this subreddit is so salty and downvote trigger happy.

I played fallout 4 for a couple months and took a break from hots, and pretty commonly went to the subreddits for that game and no one ever downvoted anything. If content was popular it just disappeared with one upvote, so you cant tell me that the downvoting is for the good of the sub because no one is that altruistic and no one is that worried about the content that reaches the front page. People are just weird or something.

Also: It's comforting to see you have such a welcoming attitude, All I'm doing is pointing out something stupid, and the salt mines flow. I really dont care about whether or not peoples feelings are hurt, but this kind of attitude is what drives people away from the game and the sub in general. This whole sub is salty as shit, even just in regular posts.

the couple months I spent playing FO4 and using that sub was like a dreamland. No one downvoted out of spite, no one bitched about someone being wrong, they just politely corrected them. it's quite nice, this sub has no reason to be any different than that, except a majority of the time it's a huge pissing contest of whos got a bigger ego.

pretty stupid if you ask me. Look at all the downvotes I'm getting for it. I get that I may not be going about it in the most polite way but like....it doesnt make sense to me lol

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