What do you use the word 'racism' to mean? Take my survey? <3

Probably not many people are going to agree but we really don’t have true racism, we have a made up concept of “race” but as of right now there is one race and it’s the human race, we all have hearts, livers, brains, bone structure, cardiovascular system, nervous system and we average about 80+ years, we might have abnormalities that might happen ( chimeria, dwarfism, albino and people growing tall and such, but they are human )We have prejudices though and prejudices are all around us. ( skin color, religion, wealth, heritage and sexuality to name a few )We use race in a form that categories people, and we use that in a form of statistics and to fuel prejudices and propaganda ( Crime, wealth, and health and hate to name a few ) but there are fictions that have racism. Star Wars has racism. Star Trek has racism. Dungeons and Dragons have racism. Shadowrun has racism ( Humanis Policlub) Marvel and DC have racism. Warhammer 40K and Age of Sigmar has racism. But that’s my POV, like I said bot many people will agree, I just view things differently

/r/u_AellaGirl Thread Link - forms.gle