What's a good beginning dslr?

I got my first DSLR 5 years ago and will be upgrading for the 2nd time soon. My suggestion is more about what I wish I would have done when I started. All entry level DSLRs have almost the same capabilities when a beginner is using them. I know there are so many options that common sense dictates that there is a good choice and there is a bad one. You just need to make sure it was launched in the last 4-5 years and has good lenses available for it. Talking about lenses, their importance is something I wish I knew sooner. It was all about which camera is better and one day I got my hands on a couple of good lenses and everything changed! Budget in a way that you buy at least one if not more prime lenses along with the camera. Personal favourite on an APS-C body is the 50mm 1.8. If you have already been shooting for a bit, the next best thing after good glass is a speedlight. Good, cheap manual flashes are available and they are only limited by your creativity.

I might have bored you a bit if you have been shooting for a bit but I cannot emphasise enough that the camera body is just the starting bit, to create good pictures you have to look into better glass and added lighting.

/r/Beginning_Photography Thread