The 3rd Instalment Of Abria DMing For The Chaotic Mess of Becca Scott and Brennan As Players

I never said you did you didn't, I said I don't like it used as a scapegoat for a minor celebrity's abrasiveness. Travis has an issue with fame and entitlement, in ways that are not symptoms of ADHD.

And since you feel the need to turn this into some One-Uping of ADHD validity, I was in special ed programs since elementary school, went to both a residential HS and college specifically for kids with ADHD, Autism and other ND difficulties who could not fit in or succeed at normal schools. I have seen and befriended the fucking spectrum of ADHD behavior, and it's not a monolith scapegoat to get Travis off the hook for having an ego problem or people not finding him funny.

Sorry I played Among Us Wrong.

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