Salvaging Poly Relationships

I think it is also worth considering if the factors in the relationship causing anxiety as a response are likely to change, before attempting to reconcile anything.

Someone might “forgive” or still love someone, but if the factors creating a challenge in the relationship are still present and they haven’t been identified, or both parties are not willing to do the work to combat them, it would be difficult to have a different outcome even when reconciling.

Give yourself some compassion. Maybe a time to turn in, do some self inventory, reach out to a therapist who might help you work through some of the triggers and then contemplate it?

And I agree with the person who said depression is a liar. Fear too. For me, if I was contemplating the same, I would be asking myself - what are my intentions with trying to make this work? What did I learn? What can I let go of?

/r/polyamory Thread