What's the order of everyone's favorite zombie maps in BO3, and why?

(haven't played Gorod Krovi) 1.Zetsubou No shima- So much to like about this map, from new guns, bosses, Skull of nan sapwe, the only bad thing i have with this map is upgrading can be a pain sometimes

  1. Shadows of Evil- like ZnS this map introduced new mechanics, the Apothicon servant, Widows wine was introduced, great atmosphere,a lot of content this map has to offer, as like ZnS, the thing I don't like about this map is how painfully annoying it is to upgrade the sword 3.Der Eisendrache- really great map, if not top 3 maps of all time when i initially when i first played it, because it's a mix of other maps, the 4 wonder weapons idea and wunderfizz was a great thing to bring back, but there's something about it that it gets boring after a while, it might be because there are no new gns, bosses, and this map feels kind off too easy, it's why I only can play this map around twice a week without getting bored

  2. The Giant-I have nothing against this map, it's still fun to play, after all it is der riese, but it's still just a remake and it feels lackluster compared to the other maps. but it's no way a bad map and it's still one of the better maps out of all of zombies.

overall I say all bo3 maps are enjoyable compared to bo2's roster.

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