I think the wheels in motion boys.

Comparing Jim Crow and anti-billionaire rethoric is fucking insane. Jim Crow was state sanctioned oppression of a marginalized race of people. Laws that caused unimaginable pain misery and death to black communities.

Billionaires are fucking billionaires. They have all the money and power in the world. This is a capitalist society where money rules everything. The government is in the pockets of billionaires and capital. If you disagree with the anti-billionaire rhetoric that is one thing, but even then you can’t possibly in good faith claim that they are being oppressed in the way black Americans are/were. In a country with growing systemic problems and increasing income inequality the blame is obviously going to be aimed upwards. Whether you think it’s billionaires or you think it’s politicians or media (both get their money from billionaires coincidentally).

You’re either making that comparison in bad faith (95% likely, shouldn’t have even responded) or else the boot is so far down your throat that it’s cut off the oxygen supply to brain rendering you legally retarded.

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