When taking sprays how do they monitor you?

Hi. I can only speak to my own experiences, but essentially, my provider welcomes me into the very cozy treatment room. He takes my blood pressure to make sure everything is okay there. Then he gives me each spray with five minutes in between. While I'm taking the spray is my favorite part, because I get to talk to my provider about life, my week, and any random topics that come to mind. For me, this is as therapeutic as the medication itself.

We talk from 15-20 minutes, then he leaves me on my own for an hour. I use that time to relax, meditate, listen to podcasts, play my Gameboy, etc. That time is for you to use as you wish. Then my provider comes back and takes my blood pressure again. We have a final chat for a few minutes, then he leaves. There's another half hour to use as I wish, then I leave the office.

I hope that helped. Wishing you the best.

/r/Spravato Thread