[WP] Someone discovers they have an extremely powerful superpower, yet they struggle to find a way to do good with it.

the following is dedicated to Monty Oum, my biggest inspiration

I can teleport.

It doesn't tire me, it doesn't hurt me, in fact; it almost feels good.

I've never told anyone, because who knows how people would react. I would be labeled a killer, a thief, a freak. I would lose everyone I loved. I've known since I was in 3rd grade when a classmate locked me in the closet. I'm claustrophobic, and it was a tiny, dark closet. I sat down, closed my eyes, and wished I was back at my desk. When I opened my eyes, you guessed it, I was sitting back at my desk. All the kids were gathered around the door to the closet, laughing. The teacher unlocked the door. The kids went silent.

"Where's Pete?"

"I'm right here." I replied.

One kid screamed, and the teacher just told the rest of the kids to not lie anymore, that I was never in the closet.

After school that day I ran home and stood in my backyard. I closed my eyes, imagined myself sitting on my bed, and then opened them back up. I was sitting on my bed. I started trying longer distances, like the park, then the town square, then my friend’s backyard. I could teleport to anywhere I wanted! At first it was great; I could go anywhere in the world and back in 5 seconds, I was superhuman! But then one time I teleported when I shouldn’t have. 
I was sitting in the principal’s office after scaring a kid at recess by popping up behind her and making her cry. The principal was called out of the room, and she said she would only be a minute, and that there’s a video camera if I tried to do anything fishy. I sat around for a while, my mind wandering. I closed my eyes and thought about my favorite place, the beach off North Carolina that my family visits every year. Then I felt wind rushing past me and I smelled seawater. I didn’t even open my eyes, and I knew I was standing on the rock just far enough into the ocean that I can’t touch the bottom, but I could still swim back to the shore if my parents were calling me. I started panicking; I didn’t mean to teleport, it just happened. I thought frantically about the principal’s office and opened my eyes. I was sitting in the uncomfortable green chair that the principal made kids sit in. Just then the door opened and she walked into the room. When I was walking out a police officer at my school was looking over the security tapes because somebody found a knife in a locker or something, and I saw him watching the live feed of the principal's office. He looked at me and his face was as white as a sheet of paper. 

"Hey, kid-"

But I ran out before he could finish his thought.

I stopped teleporting after that. I haven't teleported since.

But it's hard, not being able to think when you close your eyes. I learned tons of techniques, and after a few years I could manage this ailment. As long as I don't imagine myself in a place for too long, I'm ok. I can imagine a forest, but as long as I don't picture myself there I'm ok.

I found a bunch of money in a bank vault before, though. It was the first time since that incident that I teleported. It was only twenty bucks, I was with some friends and they needed cash, so I said I had some in my car. As soon as I was out of their sight, I started thinking and remembered going to the bank with my mom as a kid. I got to see where they kept all the money, and I pictured myself there. I blinked and was walking in pitch-black. I opened my phone, put on the flashlight, and I was there in the bank vault. Someone had left a drawer open, and it had nothing but 20 dollar bills in it.

It would be so easy. All I'd have to do is grab some, and teleport back. That simple. Nobody would notice 100 dollars missing in a drawer filled with dollar bills. I'd just take that much, and that's it. That's all I'd take, 200 dollars. So I picked some up. I took out my wallet and put the money in it. Then I grabbed more. But that was all, I didn't rob the whole thing. I didn't even steal, it was right there and I found myself in this position, I wasn't stealing. I haven't hurt anybody by doing this. I'm not stealing. I blinked and was sitting in my car, and I found 3,000 dollars in my hands. I haven't stolen anything. I put it all in my glove-box except for a twenty. I only found twenty dollars, nobody stole anything, nothing illegal happened. 

Nobody would miss Alex. There was a freak accident where Alex fell off a bridge, he tripped. Some people cried, like his mom. She was the only one there when it happened, for all I know she pushed him. She hated him anyway. Everyone hated Alex. It wasn't even sad when he tripped. I didn't cry when he tripped. Nobody did. His mom cried when he tripped, or so she said. She was the only one there, you know. She hated him. Everyone wanted him dead. Everyone wanted him dead. He tripped, you know. I didn't cry when it happened. I didn't even care when I found out. I think I smiled when I found out. Everyone wanted Alex dead. He's gone now, but nobody cares. His little sister doesn't care. She wanted him dead. Alex tripped when he was walking over a bridge. I watched him fall. 

I haven't ever teleported. Weird things happen to me, though. I imagine myself doing things, when I pretend to teleport. I imagine lots of money. I imagine crying people. I imagine people I don't like falling, then I don't see them around anymore. 

I think a lot.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread