Which kind of respiratory PPE near a car shredder?

Damn. I was hoping it could be mitigated without getting the job site involved, since I don't work for the company. I'm filing a gap in coverage until they set up something permanent. Once they set up something permanent, I'll probably be working in this area occasionally.

I wouldn't be surprised if metal fumes were involved, likely from the nearby buildings. There is definitely steel processing at this site along with dust clouds from moving the scrap and debris.

To do the job, I have to spend a couple of minutes in the more pungent areas each hour. There's really no way to keep more distance since there are nearby piles of tires and other scrap to maneuver around. Most of the time, I stay in whatever area seems least odorous but it all smells like metal and dirt out here.

I'll talk to my boss about it and find out whether he wants to handle it or whether I should talk to the people on site. One of my co-workers vomited as a result of exposure last time he was on site, so there are clearly problems. We just don't know what to look out for and when to speak up. None of us have had any training on hazardous materials exposure because we don't work in production areas.

Thanks again!

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