You’re transported to 2006 for one day. What do you do?

Whenever I think about time travelling to give myself a message, I look in the mirror and realize how different I look now compared to back then.

2006 me would not recognize me. I'd have to say a lot to convince myself.

I wouldn't do anything for money. Instead, if I was able to convince myself of who I was, I'd show myself pictures of my girls (but not my wife). I'd tell him that he meets his wife at school, and that up until that point past-me should really study programming, and go full-force with it. No slacking. Then I'd tell myself to get my life together. He'd know what I mean.

Hopefully I'd be setting myself up for more or less the same future I already have, but with a lot less heartache, fewer burned bridges, stronger skills, and a slightly better paying job. Showing myself what good life I already have would be enough to get things in order to improve it.

/r/AskReddit Thread