White debaters and Wilderson/Warren/Sexton

I want to just state when I make Schmitt K jokes and these types of comments I’m joking. I’m sorry if it wasn’t clear but if we want to talk about fundamental acceptance we must delve deeper into your synopsis. You say that “white people have done most bad things first and foremost”. A few issues. Colonization is a point I’m sure you’re inferring, was an endeavor by ALL countries and was completely normal at that time. Done by whites, natives, blacks, Spanish, Asian, etc. it is unfair and prejudiced to place that demonization on white peoples only. I’m not saying it’s acceptable, but if the idea of “colonization” is an issue, then multiple fingers should be pointed at all races. If it’s an issue with “white colonization” then we’re dealing with prejudice. Just how slavery started in Africa or how it is happening in Saudi Arabia and no black American or BLM seems to really care. Why? Because they’re not white. Further, I feel isolated from the debate community being a white male who’s a trump supporter but not super right wing. I feel a direct attack on myself when they read cards blaming the white people for something. I feel it’s the same as if you were to read evidence against black people because they, for example, commit more crimes. I feel other races and females can run arguments that I can’t because of my physical appearance.

Disclaimer: By no means am I racist, it’s just that’s my opinion. I’m willing to hear you out, as you seem well educated. I will listen and comprehend each point you make.

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