Can someone please explain "implicit" to me like I'm five?

Hey !

So first of all and that might be source of confusion there are several kinds of implicits.

First one, is the horrible one: implicit conversion.

This is define as

implicit def [NAME](input: INPUT_TYPE): OUTPUT_TYPE = ???

And it allows you to automatically turn a value into an other type:

val a: INPUT_TYPE = ... val b: OUTPUT_TYPE = a in normal condition the second line above would break on compilation because a and b are two different type but with implicit conversion, the code will use the defined conversion method implicitly to convert it from INPUT_TYPE to OUTPUT_TYPE.


Next one is implicit classes, that allows you to add a new method to an existing type:

implicit class NAME(value_name: TypeToOverride) { def methodToAdd: OutputType = ??? }

So now when you use a value of type TypeToOverride you will be able to call this new added method methodToAdd.

Learn more at

Next one is implicit argument, which allows you to pass an argument to a method without having to it explicitly.


in a method you would have def method(arg1: A, arg2: B)(implicit arg3: C): OUT

and now you can call the method like you would normally do:


but if you have the implicit C in scope you can call the method without it:


assuming that somewhere you have

implicit val c: C

The last one is a bit more complex and is implicit proof. Ill just add the link to it: .

/r/scala Thread